Individuals with HIV also may need help with substance use disorders, including the use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. Access resources on substance use disorders from different HIV-related organizations.

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General Substance Use and Addiction

Individuals with HIV also may struggle with substance use, including alcohol, drugs, and…

Injection Drug Use

Sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment to inject drugs or medicine—or for…

Filter by HIV and AIDS Topics
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Why Overdose Matters for HIV Webpage (HTML) Open Society Foundations
Rethinking Drinking Webpage (HTML) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
HIV-Related Pain Webpage (HTML) The Well Project
Substance Abuse and Addiction Webpage (HTML) The Well Project
Treatment of Opioid Addiction Webpage (HTML) The Well Project
People Who Inject Drugs, HIV and AIDS Webpage (HTML) AVERT
HIV and People Who Inject Drugs Webpage (HTML) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Injection Drug Use Webpage (HTML) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Heroin Research Report: Why Does Heroin Use Create Special Risk for Contracting HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B and C? Webpage (HTML) National Institute on Drug Abuse
Viral Infections (HIV, Hepatitis) and Drug Use Blog Posts Webpage (HTML) National Institute on Drug Abuse
Substances Use and HIV Risk Webpage (HTML)
People who inject Drugs Webpage (HTML) World Health Organization
SAMHSA'S National Helpline Webpage (HTML) SAMHSA
HIV and Injection Drug Use Webpage (HTML) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Understanding the Intersection of HIV and Substance Use Disorder Webpage (HTML) National Institute on Drug Abuse