HIV and AIDS Resources
HIV Source is a portal for HIV-related information (web pages, PDF documents, infographics) from within and outside the federal government.
Title Sort descending | Type | Source |
Statistics Overview | Webpage (HTML) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Stay Connected with NPIN's Bi-monthly Newsletter | Webpage (HTML) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Prevention Information Network |
Steps to Care Tool Kit | Webpage (HTML) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Sticking with Your HIV Medications: Medication Adherence | Webpage (HTML) | Primary Health Care: The Project (PHC) |
Stigma and Mental Health | Webpage (HTML) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Still Need Health Insurance? | Webpage (HTML) | |
Still not welcome — HIV-related travel restrictions | Webpage (HTML) | UNAIDS |
Stop HIV ATL | Webpage (HTML) | Stop HIV ATL |
Stop HIV Stigma Short Videos: Smith Family | Video | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
Stories and Updates | Webpage (HTML) | UNAIDS |
Stories of Impact | Webpage (HTML) | USAID |
Strengthening Community Engagement | Webpage (HTML) | The Global Fund |
Submitting Your Application | Webpage (HTML) | National Institutes of Health |
Suboptimal geographic accessibility to comprehensive HIV care in the US: regional and urban–rural differences | Webpage (HTML) | National Library of Medicine |
Substance Abuse and Addiction | Webpage (HTML) | The Well Project |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Grant Announcements | Webpage (HTML) | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration |
Substance Use and HIV Risk | Webpage (HTML) | |
Substance Users and HIV/AIDS Literature Search | Webpage (HTML) | U.S. National Library of Medicine |
Substances Use and HIV Risk | Webpage (HTML) | |
Suicide & Overdose among People with HIV during COVID-19 | Video | AIDS Education and Training Center Program National Coordinating Resource Center |
Suicide Prevention | Webpage (HTML) | U.S. Office on Women's Health |
Suicide Prevention/NIMH | Webpage (HTML) | National Institute of Mental Health |
Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization (Age 19 years and older) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | |
Supporting Someone with HIV | Webpage (HTML) | |
Supporting Someone with HIV | Webpage (HTML) | |