National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day raises awareness about the impact of HIV-related stigma in Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities. The observance was first recognized in 2005 by the Banyan Tree Project and the San Francisco Community Health Center.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the United States and dependent territories, most new HIV diagnoses in API communities were among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Other segments of the API population in the United States who experienced new HIV diagnoses were women and people who inject drugs.
HIV-related stigma is a primary barrier to HIV prevention, testing, and treatment in API communities. Intensified efforts are needed to support culturally tailored interventions to improve access to HIV services for API communities.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) HIV research program, coordinated by the NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR), supports research on the most effective strategies to increase HIV prevention, testing, and treatment for different populations, including API communities.
Social Media
- Use the hashtag #APIMay19 and #NAPIHAAD to follow the conversation on social media. Download graphics and find sample social media posts to promote HIV prevention, testing, and treatment in API communities on the NAPIHAAD and NAPIHAAD on the CDC Awareness Days webpage.

Additional Resources
NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR) Resources
- FY 2021–2025 NIH Strategic Plan for HIV and HIV-Related Research (NIH HIV Strategic Plan) The NIH HIV Strategic Plan provides a roadmap for NIH to guide HIV-related research and direct HIV research funding to the highest-priority areas to help end HIV. The NIH HIV Strategic Plan includes efforts to increase HIV prevention, testing, and treatment and mitigate HIV-associated stigma.
-, maintained by OAR, provides HIV-related infographics, fact sheets, and links to HIV-related resources from federal and nonfederal sources. Check out the following resources on Asian & Pacific Islanders:
- HIV Source Asian and Pacific Islanders collection provides resources on HIV research, prevention, testing, and treatment in API communities.
- This OAR Director’s Blog post describes the importance of raising awareness about HIV among API communities, as well as the need for research that supports culturally tailored interventions for HIV prevention and treatment in API communities.
- NAPIHAAD on the CDC Awareness Days webpage provides resources to help spread awareness about HIV in API communities. In addition, the CDC Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign provides resources like brochures, videos, and posters to empower communities to promote HIV prevention, testing, and treatment.