World AIDS Day

December 1

Collective Action: Sustain and Accelerate HIV Progress

World AIDS Day was first recognized in 1988 to raise awareness about HIV and honor lives affected by HIV. World AIDS Day serves as an important reminder to remain committed to preventing new HIV infections and providing essential services to all people living with HIV globally.

This year’s federal theme, “World AIDS Day 2024: Collective Action: Sustain and Accelerate HIV Progress,” encapsulates the U.S. government’s dedication to harnessing the significant progress that has been made through global and domestic HIV programs over the last four-plus decades, working to ensure that no communities are left behind. At the same time, the U.S. must continue to innovate and adapt initiatives based on new scientific advancements, implementation research, and lessons learned from programs in the field.

The National Institutes of Health will commemorate World AIDS Day 2024 with a live, virtual panel discussion and public Q&A. 

NIH World AIDS Day 2024 Event: Progress, Innovation, and Impact in HIV Research  
December 4, 2024 
11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. ET   

For World AIDS Day, a panel of distinguished experts will discuss progress, innovation, and impact in HIV research. Decades of investment across the research continuum have led to incredible progress in HIV research. But many structural and social factors continue to impede access, reach, and adoption of effective prevention and treatment strategies. As we celebrate breakthroughs in HIV research, we must accelerate scientific progress and ensure that those with, and affected by, HIV have the chance to inform future studies, participate in research, and experience the life-changing impact of research innovations.  

See the full agenda on the OAR website and register to join live on December 4. Learn more about World AIDS Day observances at NIH. 

Social Media

Use the hashtag #WorldAIDSDay to follow the conversation on social media. Visit the World AIDS Day Awareness Day webpage for downloadable graphics and tips on how to amplify the conversation on social media. Graphics and sample social media messages also are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

December 1 Word AIDS Day logo.

Additional Resources 
NIH Office of AIDS Research (OAR)

World AIDS Day Blog