Learn more about living with HIV and AIDS through topics such as complementary and alternative therapy; diet, nutrition, and food safety; disclosure/legal information; exercise and physical fitness; housing and housing assistance; immunizations; mental and emotional health; oral health; recently diagnosed; tobacco use; and traveling.

Complementary and Alternative Therapy

Access resources related to complementary and alternative therapies related to HIV.

Diet, Nutrition, and Food Safety

Access resources about diet, nutrition, and food safety as they relate to HIV.

Disclosure/Legal Information

Access resources related to the law and legal rights for individuals living with HIV.

Exercise and Physical Fitness

There are many benefits of exercise and physical fitness that are helpful for individuals with…

Housing and Housing Assistance

Access to resources related to housing and housing assistance for individuals with HIV.


Vaccines protect people from diseases such as chickenpox, influenza (flu), and polio. Learn more…

Mental and Emotional Health

Mental health refers to a person's overall emotional, psychological, and social well-being.…

Oral Health

Learn about how oral health can impact individuals with HIV.

Recently Diagnosed/Living Well with HIV

Testing positive for HIV often leaves a person overwhelmed with questions and concerns. It is…

Tobacco Use

Tobacco use carries different health risks for different individuals. Unique considerations…


Access resources related to tips for traveling while living with HIV.

Search HIVSource
Filter by HIV and AIDS Topics
Title Sort descending Type Source
Smoking and HIV Webpage (HTML) HIV.gov
Smoking and HIV/CDC Webpage (HTML) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Smoking and HIV: What Are The Risks and What Harm Reduction Strategies Do We Have At Our Disposal? Webpage (HTML) AIDS Research and Therapy
Stable Housing Is Health Care For People Living With HIV Webpage (HTML) The Body: The HIV/AIDS Resource
State HIV Laws Webpage (HTML) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Stigma and Mental Health Webpage (HTML) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Still not welcome — HIV-related travel restrictions Webpage (HTML) UNAIDS
Suicide Prevention Webpage (HTML) U.S. Office on Women's Health
Suicide Prevention/NIMH Webpage (HTML) National Institute of Mental Health
Summary of Recommendations for Adult Immunization (Age 19 years and older) PDF Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Supporting Someone with HIV Webpage (HTML) HIV.gov
Taking Care of Yourself with HIV: Diet, Exercise, and Self-Care Tips Webpage (HTML) Healthline
Telling Others Webpage (HTML) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Adult Vaccine Assessment Tool Webpage (HTML) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The Benefits of Exercise for People Living With HIV Webpage (HTML) All Life
The Center for HIV Law and Policy Webpage (HTML) The Center for HIV Law and Policy
The Connection Between AIDS and Your Oral Health Webpage (HTML) Delta Dental
The Emotional Impact of an HIV Diagnosis Webpage (HTML) Everyday Health
The Global Database on HIV-Specific Travel and Residence Restrictions Webpage (HTML) The Global Database
The Link Between HIV and Mental Health Webpage (HTML) Verywell Health
The Relationship Between HIV and Mental Health: Understanding the Connection Webpage (HTML) PrEP Daily
The Salvation Army Webpage (HTML) The Salvation Army
Tobacco Webpage (HTML) Michigan Health and Human Services
Tobacco Use and HIV/AIDS Literature Search Webpage (HTML) U.S. National Library of Medicine
Tobacco and HIV Webpage (HTML) National Cancer Institute